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Crypto Profits Tracker SaaS

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Get your crypto profits calculated in REALTIME right in your Notion Database

🤔 How?


I have built a web application to help you ease into the process

Click here ⤵️

🔥 https://crypto-profits-tracker-d5kar.ondigitalocean.app/


What will you get?

✔️ Crypto Dashboard Notion Template

✔️ No Code

✔️ Easy to follow setup instructions ( < 3 minutes) for the template and notion API integration 

✔️ Monthly Subscription model

😁 Hope you like it!

🙌🏻  Do give feedback on the setup and integration guide.
😀 DM on Twitter @TnvMadhav for further clarifications


A Notion Template + SaaS registration

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$3 a month

Crypto Profits Tracker SaaS

0 ratings